.. meta:: :description: Wired API, handling return values :keywords: Wired, xml, api, channel manager, booking engine, return values Return values ************* Return values are shared between all procedures and have always the same format: .. code-block:: python ReturnCode, Info= function() which is generally rendered by many programming languages as an array of two elements. The first one, *ReturnCode*, is always an integer. In particular, **for succesfull operations, and only for them, ReturnCode is zero.** The second element, *Info*, changes depending by the called procedure. When ReturnCode is less than zero, something wrong happened. In that case, **info is a string and contains a Human Readable Error**: this way you can better understand what happened. When operations are succesfull, *Info* basically depends from a simple condition: does the called function need to return something? If the function does not need to return data (for example functions used to update availability), *Info* is generally a string, like **Ok**. For functions returning data (for example functions that return reservations), *Info* can be an Integer, a String or even a Complex Structure (like arrays or KV structs): check the :doc:`onboarding` section for more info.