Alien Plugin

The Alien Plugin allows you to create new reservations on the WooDoo systems and change the status of the existing ones.


To use this feature, you need to subscribe to WooDoo Online Reception or to WooDoo Whitelabel Standard package

How to create a new reservation

We give you the opportunity to interact with WooDoo reservations by simple JSON POST calls.

In order to create a new reservation, you’re going to have to specify the following mandatory parameters.


All the POST calls operations are managed via SERVER to SERVER technology: it means that you have to be under Wubook domain in order for them to work.

  • alien_code: Ask the Wubook property to give you this code in order for you to manage the Alien Interface (i.e. 994862c403d2111cd586d9ed8c49f4bf).

  • dfrom: Arrival date

  • dto: Departure date

  • lcode: The lodging code given to you by the property.

  • rooms: a data that include {room_id: [room_quantity, board]}. Board can be: nb (no board), bb (breakfast), hb (half board), fb (full board) and finally “” (no board).

  • customer: data containing customer information: lname is the last name, fname is the first name, email, city, phone, street, country, lang, arrival_hour and notes. The country and lang parameter are the 2-digit country abbreviation, for instance: IT,UK etc, lang defines the voucher translation (eventually sent to customer).

  • ccard: credit card information can be optional, depending on the preferences of the structure. The fields are cc_exp_year, cc_exp_month, cc_type, cc_cvv, cc_owner and cc_number, while CVC code can be optional. To know more about credit cart types, please click here .

  • amount: The final price of the whole reservation.

  • ancillary_data: optional information you wish to pass along.

On the following sentence, you’ll find an example of the insertion of an Alien reservation:


This is just an example: it won’t work if you try it; please, implement your own server2server call!

curl '' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' --data-raw $'{"dfrom":"27/08/2023","dto":"28/08/2023","rooms":{"18":[1,"fb"]},"customer":{"lname":"Blissett","email":"","fname":"Luther","city":"Fano","street":"via giammaria 33","country":"IT","lang":"IT","phone":"+3964329779","arrival_hour":"14:00","notes":"some notes\u0021\u0021\u0021"},"ancillary_data":{"Smoking":"Yes","Paid":"60 Euro"},"origin":"My service name","ccard":{"cc_exp_year":"2030","cc_exp_month":"06","cc_type":"2","cc_owner":"WuBook srl","cc_number":"432948329543211","cc_cvv":"321"},"alien_code":"994862c403d2111cd586d9ed7c49f4bf","lcode":1213394817,"amount":"500.00"}'

{'rcode': 1649858269, 'error': ''}

How to cancel a reservation


Again, all the POST calls operations are managed via SERVER to SERVER technology: it means that you have to be under Wubook domain in order for them to work properly.

In order to cancel a reservation, you need to specify the following mandatory parameters:

  • lcode: the property code given to you by the property.

  • alien_code: Ask the property to give you the code.

  • reservation_id: Wubook reservation identificator.

  • origin: your signature, so that the property knows that the reservation was made by you.

  • reason: an options string containing the reason of cancellation.

On the following sentence, you’ll find an example of the cancellation of an Alien reservation:


This is just an example: it won’t work if you try it; please, implement your own server2server call!

curl '' -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' -H 'sec-fetch-site: cross-site' --data-raw '{"reservation_id":1649858269,"alien_code":"b4b0292b2d4fe2069eff1c44ab44fa6b","lcode":1213394817,"origin":"My service name","reason":"unknown"}'

{'rcode': 1439890642, 'error': ''}