.. meta:: :description: Wired Zak API read reservations :keywords: api, pms, zak, kapi, booking, bookings, reservation, reservations Zak API to read symbols *********************** | These APIs allow you to get all the symbols used by other api. Get reservation status ====================== | This method provides the possible '*status*' in which a reservation can be found. | On one reservation the field '*status*' will contain one of these '*statuses*'. .. code-block:: html Url: https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_rsrv_status | Input fields are not necessary. | Response-data: return the list of '*statuses names*'. .. _123456: ../kapintro.html#authentication Examples -------- | On each examples `123456`_ is used as **api-key** which is sent as *user*. curl: ..... .. code-block:: shell $ curl https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_rsrv_status -u 123456: -X POST {'data': ['Confirmed', 'Offer', 'Cancelled', ...]} python code: ............ .. code-block:: python import requests uspw=(123456, None) response= requests.post('https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_rsrv_status', {}, auth= uspw) print(response.text) Get document types ================== | This api returns the object with possible document types that a guest | (from a certain country) can provide. The fields are the document type symbols | with which is associated a description. .. code-block:: html Url: https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_doc_types | Input fields: *country* | Response-data: return the object: '*zak-doctype-code: description*'. Examples -------- curl: ..... .. code-block:: shell $ curl https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_doc_types -u 123456: -X POST -d country=IT {"data": { "it_IDENT": "CARTA DI IDENTITA'", "d": "PATENTE DI GUIDA", "it_PASDI": "PASSAPORTO DIPLOMATICO", ... } } python code: ............ .. code-block:: python import requests data= {'country': 'IT'} uspw= (123456, None) response= requests.post('https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_rsrv_status', data, auth= uspw) print(response.text) Get invoice types ================= | It returns the object with all fiscal document types: (*Invoice*, *Receipt*, *Credit Note*, ..) | Names and symbols could be customize by the hotelier through the *invoices plugin*. .. code-block:: html Url: https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_inv_types | Input fields are not necessary. | Response-data: return the object: '*doc-type-code: doc-type-name*'. Examples -------- curl: ..... .. code-block:: shell $ curl https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_inv_types -u 123456: -X POST {"data": { "INV": "Invoice", "REC": "Receipt", "CRN": "Credit Note", "PRO": "Proforma", ... } } python code: ............ .. code-block:: python import requests uspw= (123456, None) response= requests.post('https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_inv_types', {}, auth= uspw) print(response.text) Get payment types ================= | It returns the object with all payment types: (*'Cash'*, *'Credit Card'*, *'Bank Transfer'*, ..) .. code-block:: html Url: https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_pay_types | Input fields are not necessary. | Response-data: return the list object with the names of : '*payment-type*'. Examples -------- curl: ..... .. code-block:: shell $ curl https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_pay_types -u 123456: -X POST {"data": ["Cash", "Cheque", "Debit Card", "Credit Card", "Bank Transfer", ... ] } python code: ............ .. code-block:: python import requests uspw= (123456, None) response= requests.post('https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_pay_types', {}, auth= uspw) print(response.text) Get meals ========= | It returns the object with all meal codes: (Bed&Breakfast, Half Board, ...) .. code-block:: html Url: https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_meals | Input fields are not necessary. | Response-data: return the object: '*meal-code: meal-name*'. Examples -------- curl: ..... .. code-block:: shell $ curl https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_meals -u 123456: -X POST {"data": { "fb": "Full board", "hb": "Half board", "bb": 'Breakfast', ... } } python code: ............ .. code-block:: python import requests uspw= (123456, None) response= requests.post('https://kapi.wubook.net/kapi/symbols/get_meals', {}, auth= uspw) print(response.text)