Handling Prices


WuBook supports multiple Pricing Plans for each property, also known as rates. If you connect WuBook to provide a channel manager service, you need to provide the possibility to manage them, because the connectivity to your OTAs depends on that: booking.com and expedia, for example, require different prices for different rates and you must be able to manage these features.

The WuBook Parity

Each property has a standard pricing plan: the WuBook Parity. This pricing plan contains the default prices for the Online Reception (the wubook booking engine). If the Online Reception of WuBook is not used, the WuBook Parity is like another pricing plan, without particular features.


the WuBook Parity Pricing Plan has always ID= 0 for each property and can not be removed

Pricing plans management

To add a new Pricing Plan, the following function is used:

add_pricing_plan(token, lcode, name)

This function returns the ID of the new plan.

To add a new Virtual Pricing Plan, you use:

add_vplan(token, lcode, name, pid, dtype, value)

Where pid is the Plan Id of the Parent Pricing Plan, while dtype is an integer:

  • -2: This plan is a discount. Value is a fixed amount

  • -1: This plan is a discount. Value is a percentage

  • 1: This plan increases prices. Value is a percentage

  • 2: This plan increases prices. Value is a fixed amount

Given the dtype integer, value is the quantity of the variation (a float or an integer), for example:

  • variation= 10, variation_type= 1: you have an increase of 10%

  • variation= 30, variation_type= -2: you have a decrease of 30 EUR (currency being obviously dynamic)


Functions adding a new plan always return the assigned ID

To remove a pricing plan, one uses:

del_plan(token, lcode, pid)

where pid is the ID of the plan which must be removed.

To update the name of a pricing plan:

update_plan_name(token, lcode, pid, name)

Finally, to fetch the existing pricing plans of a property, there is the following function:

get_pricing_plans(token, lcode)

The return value of this call is an array, each element being a Pricing Plan. Each item is a KV structure, containing the following fields:




Eh, the ID of the plan


The name of the plan


1 for daily plans


If plan is virtual, this is the PID (plan id) of its parent


If plan is virtual, this is the price variation amount


If plan is virtual, this is the price variation type

About variation and variation_type, check the documentation of add_vplan()

update_plan_rack(token, lcode, pid, rack)

Pricing plans have default values (when default values of a pricing plan are not specified, the default prices become the default room prices, see the rooms section). The update_plan_rack() function is used to modify them.


not available for the WuBook Parity Pricing Plan (ID= 0)

The rack argument is a KV structure:

  '1': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
  '2': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],

For each room, you specify the default price depending on the day of the week (so, arrays have always lenght= 7).

mod_vplans(token, lcode, plans)

The function mod_vplans allows to manage Virtual Plans, modifying the variation and the variation_type. The plans argument is an array of KV structures, each one containing information about the ID of the plan and the desired variation_type/variation, like that:

plans= [{'pid': 1, 'variation': 10, 'variation_type': 1}, {'pid': 2, 'variation': 10, 'variation_type': -2}]

Handling Pricing Plans

There are just two functions to completely manage Daily Pricing Plans. One is used to write, the other to read:

update_plan_prices(token, lcode, pid, dfrom, prices)
fetch_plan_prices(token, lcode, pid, dfrom, dto[, rooms= []])

To update the values of a Pricing Plan, you use update_plan_prices(). The pid parameter is the ID of the Pricing Plan you want to modify. The dfrom parameter is the Starting Date (european format: 21/12/2021). The prices parameter is a KV structure. Keys are Room IDs. Values are array of prices. Prices must be greater than 0.01. The following example will explain it better:

prices= {
  "1": [100, 101, 102],
  "2": [200, 201, 202]

The previuos KV structure is used to setup the following prices (assming dfrom= 21/12/2021):

Room Id: 1
  21/12: 100
  22/12: 101
  23/12: 102

Room Id: 2
  21/12: 200
  22/12: 201
  23/12: 202

The underlying xml (for the Room with id= 1) is:


Finally, click on the following link for a full representation of the update call described on our example.

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The function fetch_plan_prices() is used to read current values of one pricing plan. The dfrom and dto arguments are used to select a range of dates. You use the rooms parameter (an array of integers, each one representing a room ID) if you are just interested on a particular set of rooms (otherwise, prices of all rooms are returned).

The return value is a KV structure, very similar to the one used to modify prices (see update_plan_prices())

Handling Intensive Plans (DEPRECATED, do NOT implement)

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